The JJ Way®

What is The JJ Way®?

The JJ Way® is an evidence-based, maternal child health care system that significantly increases the number of full-term and normal birth weight babies born to African American or Black women and other high-risk and marginalized communities.

Using this model in community-based settings we have created a new and innovative delivery system for prenatal and women’s health care, education and support. This has drastically reduced factors that lead to prematurity, low birth weight, infant deaths, and maternal deaths.

Four tenets to
The JJ Way® Methodology:


We make sure that parents get the care they need early on in their pregnancies.


We emphasize connections with the team members, family members, and
other members of the community.


We provide education to parents and families at a pace they will receive it.


All of the above puts power into the parent’s hands – they are better able to
navigate through their perinatal journey.

How you can help?

We cannot do this work alone. Thanks to the generous donations of people like you, we are able to provide superior service at an affordable price to families that would not be able to otherwise. If you would like to make a contribution, please visit the link below. Thank you in advance!